Technical Bulletins
- TB-101 Information About Creep
- TB-104 Information About Floor Performance
- TB-105 Elevated Garage Floors with Weyerhaeuser Structural Composite Lumber
- TB-108 Designing Indoor Pools
- TB-112 Moisture Effects on Weyerhaeuser Engineered Wood Products
- TB-120 Engineer’s Seal Requirements for I-Joists, SCL and Plated Trusses
Code Requirements
- Building Codes
- Product Design Values
- What is Dead Load (DL)?
- What is Live Load (LL) ?
- Info About Duration of Load
- What is Allowable Deflection?
Beams and Columns
- Can I Use 2.0E Parallam® PSL and 2.0E Microllam® LVL Mixed Together as a Single Beam?
- Pergolas, Sunshades and Arbors: Beam and Post Design Guidance
- Sizing a Beam
- TJI® Joists Used as Wall Studs
- Design of Column Hardware Fastened Into the Narrow Face of SCL
- Allowable Axial Loads for Trus Joist® Columns
Floor Design
- Considerations For Curbless Showers with TJI Floor Systems
- Fire-resistance Rated Floor/Ceiling (Roof/Ceiling) Assemblies with TJI® Joists
- Non-load Bearing Partition Wall Weight Consideration
- Offset Bearing Walls
- TJI Multiple (Continuous) Spans
- Can I Attach a Deck Ledger to 1-1/8" or 1-1/4" Trus Joist® Rim Board?
Floor Performance
Roof Design
- Can TJI®'s be Used as Roof Rafters in a Conventionally Framed (Compression) Roof?
- Can TJI's be Used as Roof Framing for an "A" Frame House?
- Can Trus Joist Products (TJI® Joists, Microllam® LVL, Parallam® PSL or TimberStrand® LSL) be Used as Roof Framing in a 3-sided, Open Air Salt Storage Building?
- Wood Framed Roof Structures Using Weyerhaeuser EWP
- Ridge Beam vs. Ridge Board
- Can I Use a Single Ply of Microllam® LVL or TimberStrand® LSL as a Ridge Board?
Headers/ Rim Board
- Rim Board Basics
- Support of Brick Veneer in Residential Structures
- Dropped vs. Raised Headers
- Can Solid Sawn Lumber Be Used as Rim Board?
- Simple vs. Continuous Span Garage Door Headers
- Hangers on Rim Board