JET15008 - Force Orthogonal Selection PDF
Force Orthogonal Selection (Ortho Mode)
Orthogonal selection mode can speed up the process of drawing the structure by forcing straight lines during the input, editing, and tracing processes. It is recommended that this feature is used on an as-needed basis.
Most objects in blueprints/structures are horizontal or vertical, so forcing orthogonal lines prevents the user from mistakenly choosing incorrect snap points which will have to be fixed later.
How to Use:
Click the Force Orthogonal Selection “Ortho Mode” button on the Selection panel. Ortho Mode limits what snap points are available to the horizontal and vertical axes from the control point. Orthogonal mode will also create a ‘projected’ snap point, a selectable point along the horizontal or vertical axes from the control point at the same distance away from the control point as a snap point that is not along these axes. Once complete turn off Ortho Mode.
The control point can be:
- The first point selected during stretchy line input.
- The original location of a linear object’s end point or an area object’s end, side center, or center point during drag and drop of that end point.
- The original location of a point object’s Center Point during drag and drop of that object.
Snap Point shapes available for Ortho mode:
- End Points are squares
- Intersections Points are Xs
- Mid Points are triangles
- Perpendiculars Points are right angle
- Center Points are circles
To turn off Force Orthogonal Selection:
The default setting is On in Program Settings however it is recommended to Set “Force Orthogonal Selection” to No under Home > Settings > Program Settings > View & Selection > Snapping. This setting determines if Ortho Mode is On or Off when a job file is opened.
Warning: Ortho will allow you to draw straight lines in a horizontal or vertical axes. When moving objects that were design to be maintain in a straight line, these objects move on an angle or not at all.
Effected objects: ● Start Layout Symbol
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