Oriented Strand Board or OSB is a versatile engineered structural panel often used for floor decking and wall/roof sheathing. Logs are debarked and then cut into rectangular strands that are arranged in cross-oriented layers to produce a panel that is strong and consistent. Weyerhaeuser offers several OSB products for structural applications. Weyerhaeuser Edge™, Edge Gold™ and Diamond™ panels are the panel of choice for starter homes to dream homes.
Weyerhaeuser Edge™ has self-gapping tongue-and-groove edges that automatically gap panel edges the recommended 1/8". This allows for easy installation, making these panels efficient for tight construction timelines.
Weyerhaeuser Edge Gold™ panels, aside from the tongue and grove system, have Down Pore® technology that allows rainwater to drain from the floor. This is extremely important during construction as the panels remain drier and stay flatter, facilitating finish flooring installation. In addition, these panels come with a 200-day no sand guarantee. Below is a video link to show how it works.
How it works! Video on Down Pore® technology
Weyerhaeuser Diamond™ panels, have the same tongue and grove system, and Down Pore® technology but have proprietary design properties higher than commodity panels. They are engineered to compete with the best panels on the market in strength, nail retention and weather resistance. Quality matters and these superior capabilities help in preventing squeaky floors, ridging hardwood, and cracking tile. These panels come with a 500-day no sand guarantee and a limited lifetime warranty.
To view the OSB mill tour click here
For more information -
Choosing Engineered Panels Over Plywood - OSB 4203
OSB Ice/Snow on Weyerhaeuser Edge™ & Edge Gold™ Panels - OSB 4201
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