Trus Joist® product design values can be found in the Specifier's Guide for each product. For design values not listed in the Specifier's Guide, Weyerhaeuser's Code Evaluation Reports website can be used to select the code report for a specific product. The most common Evaluation Reports are shown below.
Specifier's Guides Evaluation Reports |
Products Included | |
US TJI® Joists
Canadian TJI® Joists
Beams & Columns Specifier's Guide - East Beams & Columns Specifier's Guide - West
US TimberStrand® LSL, Microllam® LVL, Parallam® PSL Headers and Beams TimberStrand® LSL Rim Board TJ® Rim Board e-Rim® Board TJ® Rim Board |
Specifier's Guide - Eastern Canada |
Trus Joist® Beams, Headers and Columns
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A complete Southwest Regional Trus Joist binder in located under PRODUCT INFORMATION (go back twice)
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